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IVF (In vitro fertilisation)

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves retrieving eggs from the ovaries of a woman and fertilizing them with the sperms outside the body of the woman. When the eggs get fertilized, they can be transferred to a woman’s uterus or kept frozen for later use.
Some major steps of IVF are performed in vitro (in the laboratory), that’s why the name In Vitro Fertilization. A combination of surgical procedures and medicines are used that helps sperms fertilize the eggs and later implant them in the uterus. The fertilized egg is called an embryo.

How is IVF performed at Pragati IVF Center?

IVF is a fertility treatment that helps with fertilization, embryo development and implantation. The five major steps in IVF include the following-

Stimulation or Supra Ovulation

- The doctor provides certain fertility drugs to boost a woman’s egg production. In this step, the doctor will perform a transvaginal ultrasound to examine ovaries. Also, some blood tests are recommended to check the hormonal levels.

Egg Retrieval

- For retrieving eggs, the doctor will perform a minor surgery called follicular aspiration, in which the eggs are removed from the woman’s body. It is done under the influence of anaesthesia. A thin needle is inserted through the vagina into the ovary sacs, called follicles that contain eggs. The suction bottle connected with the needle will pull the eggs and fluid out of each follicle. This process is repeated for the other ovary as well.

Insemination and Fertilization

- For insemination, the best quality eggs and sperms are mixed in an environmentally controlled chamber (in vitro condition). Often, the sperm fertilizes an egg within a few hours after insemination. If the chances of natural fertilization are less, the doctor may directly inject the sperm into the egg. This is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Embryo Culture

- When the fertilized egg starts dividing, it becomes an embryo. Our laboratory staff keeps an eye on the embryo to check if it is growing properly. If things go smooth, within five days, the embryo comprises several cells that are dividing actively.

Embryo Transfer

- Healthy embryo is transferred into the woman’s womb within 3 to 5 days after egg retrieval and fertilization. The doctor will insert a thin tube (catheter) that contains an embryo inside the woman’s womb through the cervix. Pregnancy results if the embryo sticks in the lining of the womb and starts growing. The doctor may place more than one embryo into the womb to improve the results.

The number of embryos transferred depends upon different factors, especially woman’s age and quality of embryos.

Who need IVF treatment?

IVF proves beneficial if any one of the couples is having fertility issues such as-

  • Endometriosis
  • Problem with the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovulation
  • Poor egg quality
  • Male infertility like low sperm count decreased sperm mobility
  • Sperms not able to penetrate or survive in cervical mucus
  • Some genetic disorder which is hampering the fertility
  • Unexplained fertility issues

IVF is recommended only when the other methods of fertility like medications, surgery, and IUI have failed. However, in the cases of complete tubal blockage, IVF is the only method left to make a woman pregnant.

Are there any complications?

Certain risks associated with IVF include the following-

  • Multiple births
  • Premature delivery and low birth weight
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  • Miscarriage
  • Complications during egg-retrieval procedure
  • Ectopic pregnancy

Benefits of IVF

  • IVF helps couples to become parents who otherwise are unable to conceive naturally.
  • The success rate is higher than IUI.
Pragati IVF


As per the studies, the success rate of IVF varies. The live birth rate for women under age 35 undergoing IVF is 41 to 43%. This rate falls to 13 to 18% for women over the age of 40.
It takes around two months to complete one cycle of IVF. A woman gets pregnant after three cycle of IVF. Women who don’t get pregnant following the first IVF cycle still have very good chances of getting pregnant on second, third and even more cycles of IVF.
No, IVF treatment is not painful because most of the procedures are done under the influence of anaesthesia. However, the woman may feel little cramps and pain in the abdomen after the egg retrieval procedure. However, the pain goes itself after a few hours.
Yes, IVF babies are just as healthy as naturally conceived babies.